



I have javascript file which contains a lot of global vars that are commented, but JSDoc keeps telling there is "Nothing to document, exiting".

Here is a sample:

 * Name of the clients list
 * @type String
 * @final
var CLIENTS_LIST_NAME = "Client";

Is there a way to generate documentation for such a .js file?


It looks like you are using my old Perl-based project named I would recommend for you to upgrade to my newer project named JsDoc Toolkit. The syntax of the newer project is mostly a superset of the tags used in the older project, but have a look at the wiki on the JsDoc Toolkit project for a complete list of all the supported tags.

The following will work in JsDoc Toolkit:

 * Name of the clients list
 * @type String
 * @constant
var CLIENTS_LIST_NAME = "Client";
Michael Mathews