



Hi everyone!

I have a friend and he recently started to learn "Cinema 4D". He asked me if I could build him a website in which he could build a3D world, or room, using a Cinema4D file, where people could visit his work. Probably by interacting with objects.

I've searched a bit in StackOverflow and I found this:

It gave me some ideas, but that's not exactly the same thing. My question is. Is this application possible? Can I build such a website, using his Cinema4D files, allowing people to interact the website application like in a 3D game? Would this be possible with Silverlight (.NET is the technology where I feel more comfortable)? Probably with XNA port to Silverlight? I don't know... Does anyone of you could give an advice on how to architect and build this? I need some expertise (at least greater than mine! :)) from you guys.

Thank you very much!

+3  A: 

You might want to look into Unity3D. They have a web plugin that allows the 3D scenes to be interacted with in a browser. I am not sure if it can import Cinema4D files directly, but i'm sure Cinema4D can export to a format that is supported.

UPDATE: Just checked Unity's manual, and it supports directly importing .c4d files.

Jason Miesionczek
Unity3D seems to be a solution! That's exactly what I want! Unfortunately I can't use it for free and I'm not sure it's a wise decision to spend that amount of money in such a small and non-profit project. But that's what I'm looking for! Thank you very much! :)

Not "true" 3D (so no Cinema4D support, unfortunately), but there is a Flash-based 3D engine called Alternativa3D that you might want to check out, if you have any experience with Adobe Flash. There are some demos here.

In what way is that not "true" 3d? How do you define the "trueness" of a 3d solution?

"Unity3D seems to be a solution! That's exactly what I want! Unfortunately I can't use it for free and I'm not sure it's a wise decision to spend that amount of money in such a small and non-profit project. But that's what I'm looking for! Thank you very much! :) – rsa Jun 30 at 20:52"

If you are looking for a free solution, I recommend checking out Google's O3D API.


Google defines it as, "O3D is an open-source web API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser."

I was just recently introduced to it myself, so I can't share any war stories. I do find the API intuitive and have not run into anything that completely turns me off.

Best of luck with you projects.

Hi!Thanks! :) I'll take a look! Right now I'm already looking at the "Hello, Cube" sample code (here: Once again, thank you all!

Why don't you take a look at this site?

It allows you to upload your models in W3D format (cinema 4d exports to w3d) and explore them through a browser.

If you need more information look here or mail me is a small project I was working on last summer. It's still quite buggy but if someone finds it useful I'll try to finish it ;-) The technology I used is Shokwave3d so you might need to install the plugin to view the examples.
