



In my Visual Studio 2008 project, I have this project with Resources.resx which contains images and strings. In order to force myself and everyone else to write at least the XML comments, I enabled the generation of XML comments in the build tab of the project's property. Now Visual Studio gives me some warnings if there are undocumented classes, methods, … which is great!

However, all of the images in the automatically generated Resources.Designer.cs do not have any XML comments (while the strings do), so I get several compiler warnings of missing XML comments which I actually cannot do anything about, because changes to that file would probably overwritten anyways.

Is there any chance to either

  • tell the compiler to ignore XML comments in designer generated code, or
  • force Visual Studio 2008 to write the resource comment into the generated code?

Thanks for any hint!



An "Existing Stack" might can help you..

All the best...

Unfortunately, I think this will not help me. Visual Studio tells me that those comments do not exist - I want them to be generated automatically.Thanks anyways. :)
+2  A: 

Visual Studio should be doing this, but it's not, so make your file like this:

#pragma warning disable 1591
<contents go here ...>
#pragma warning enable 1591
This really doesn't help... Where are we supposed to stick the pragmas? The problem file, resources.designer.cs, is generated automatically. Any changes there will get overwritten the next time someone updates the resources.
Peter Ruderman