




I want to get into Erlang programming, specifically some yaws stuff. (Currently, I use Eclipse for Java development.)

What is the IDE of choice for Erlang development?

+6  A: 

While there are several choices of plugins for NetBeans or Eclipse, the officially recommended IDE is Erlang mode for Emacs

Praveen Angyan
erlang-mode is being actively developed as "erlware-mode": http://code.google.com/p/erlware-mode/
+5  A: 

Emacs is the IDE of choice. It supports Distel which plugs your editor into a cluster of Erlang Virtual Machines as an Erlang node in its own right (maaan!).

Gordon Guthrie
+5  A: 

Eclipse does the job just fine for me with the Erlang plugin. If you are already familiar with that through Java development why not simply stick with that?

I have also used JEdit and it performs pretty well.

Both are pretty good at syntax highlighting and have templates for new modules (OTP etc.).

Although I agree that Emacs is the "official" editor of choice you don't have to use it (and learn a whole new editing approach) if you don't want to.

Alan Moore
thanks. i think i'll start with the plugin until i have my head around the basics, and then switch to emacs when i get to some unknown point.
Stu Thompson
+2  A: 

If you use Eclipse already, Erlide works nicely. I do think that Emacs with erlware-mode is better, but the learning curve may be a bit steep.

Alexey Romanov

Textmate > Erlide.

While this is obviously true, it's not a very helpful or useful answer.
Why not? It's the superior IDE.