



I am interested in learning more about data warehousing. I see terms like "dimension", "snowflake schema" and "star schema" thrown about. Where would one start in learning about this stuff? Are there good books or Internet resources?

ETL is in this space too right?

+4  A: 

Wikipedia's resources on Data Warehousing are good.

Reading any of Ralph Kimball's books, such as "The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling "

Yes, ETL is in this space.

You may also be interested in Column oriented databases.

Vertica have a blog with a few posts regarding how they're often better for what data warehouses are used for. For example "Reflections on the Kimball Data Warehouse "Bible": Time for a New Testament?" and "The Truth About MPP & Data Warehousing"

Stephen Denne
The link to "Reflections on the Kimball Data Warehouse "Bible":[...]" you give is broken. I believe this is the text: