




i have a mvvm app that the main window is a tab control. i use the itemssource to bind items to the combo box, everything works fine until i go to another tab and for some reason the selected item of the combo box getting the null value, any ideas ?

the binding is twoway updatesource onpropertychanged and the property is type of observablecollection


I have an mvvm app with almost exactly the same scenario. The main window has a tab control. There is a tab containing a combobox. The combobox itemsource is bound to an IList (in the view model) and the Selected value is bound to a property in the view model implementing INotifyPropertyChanged.

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding AllowedJudges}"  
                  SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedJudge, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"  >

When selecting another tab, the view model's property bound to the SelectedValue mysteriously gets set to null. I'm able to handle it by not allowing the SelectedValue-bound property to be set to null:

 public Judge SelectedJudge
     get { return selectedJudge; }
        if(selectedJudge==value || value==null) return;
        selectedJudge = value;

However, it's not clear to me why a tab pane becoming invisible implies a value in a combobox there becomes deselected....

Keith Klein
this is my problem two
Chen Kinnrot
Is there any reason why you use SelectedValue and not SelectedItem?Not necessarily a mistake, as long as you know what you are doing, just irritating me.Seeing the action occurring in updateViewData might help solving your issue.

If for some Reason the BindingSource of the ItemsSource does no longer contain the SeletedItem (because it's re-initialized or whatever), then the SelectedItem can be reset to default, i.e. null. From your example I can't tell why this should happen, but that maybe because you just missed adding some more environmental code.


It`s may be problem of your viewmodel ierarchy. For example, if both ends of your Binding are dependency properties and ownertype property is not tied to a particular class (for example, set the parent class), this dependency property will be used by all the inheritors together. Bad design

+1  A: 

I had same problem before. And the solution is that make sure Itemsource attribute of comboBox in XAML has not been declared before SelectedValue attribute. It should work then.

I have seen XAMl above. Move Itemsource attribute after selectedvalue attribute. I shall work