



I currently have this block of code (or something similiar) on almost all my pages:

<div class="tasks">
       <li><a href="#">Do something</a></li>
       <li><a href="#">Do something else</a></li>

However, I need to turn this into a user control. I'd like something that looks like the following:

<foo:TaskList id="foo" runat="server">
    <Task><a href="#">Do something</a></Task>
    <Task><a href="#">Do something else</a></Task>

or even:

<foo:TaskList id="foo" runat="server">
           <li><a href="#">Do something</a></li>
           <li><a href="#">Do something else</a></li>

I realise that I'm using the "Template" concept there and I also realise that that's not how you're meant to use Template user controls. So.. how am I meant to wrap up a variable piece of HTML into a User Control?

PS. I don't want to use DataBinding or code-behind to populate this control. All the items must be visible in the ASPX file.

+1  A: 

Look at below these class can give you the below markup in your .aspx pages. You can keep on going deeper. All you need to have is a property on the parent object. So it is pretty simple to achieve.

        <Test:Task Value="Some Value" Text="Some Text" />
        <Test:Task Value="Another Value" Text="More Text" />

namespace TestWebControls
    public class TestUserControl : WebControl

        private List<Task> _Tasks;

        public List<Task> Tasks
                return _Tasks;
                _Tasks = value;

        public TestUserControl()


    public class Task : WebControl
        public string Value { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }

Now there is more work to be done when it comes to rendering. So look up Server Controls in ASP.NET and you will be able to finish the rest. You would have to create a designer so the controls can be seen at design time. And then a way to render them.

David Basarab
That's interesting, thank you. Can the same thing be achieved with a User Control? (And is there any advantage in that?)
Well it is a user control but instead of doing it with a designer we do it with C# code. I haven't really tried it with a user control. I am not sure you could, since it needs that List<> or array to put the sub items into it.
David Basarab

When you say you have the same piece of HTML code on many pages, then you might also want to check out master pages.

A master page allows you to define a common "page frame" that can be reused by several (content-) pages.

(but maybe this suggestion is completely inappropriate, since you probably already know about masterpages).


You cannot pass parameters to UserControls inside the HTML source.

You need to set the parameters in the page's Page_Load event:

public class MyUserControl : UserControl
    public void SetTasks(Tasks[] tasks)
        // code

and in the page source code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    myUserControl.SetTasks(... tasks ...);