



How do I remove the buttons in a jquery dialog? Per example, I tried re-calling .dialog with the correct new options, but the dialog seems unaffected.

$('.selector').dialog('option', 'buttons', {} ); does not work, and nor does it work if actual new button strings and functions are declared.



You need to destroy the current one first. Then you can make a new one with the new options you want.

EDIT (to response to comment): I don't know what to tell you. I did the following on my site and WFM.

$('.selector').dialog({ buttons: { "Ok": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } });

You need to return to pre-init state to alter the buttons, which is what destroy does. Maybe I just wasn't clear enough on the steps.

Destroying hides. Of course I can destroy the dialog and build it again, but the jquery ui documentation seems to think you can build buttons post-creation.
Stefan Kendall
editing to respond to your comment. you need to return to pre-init state before you can alter the buttons.
+3  A: 

You are passing new buttons set in a wrong way. Options should be passed as an object.

This will work:

var options = {
    buttons: {}
$(selector).dialog('option', options);

No need to destroy and create new dialog.

Of course you can also replace buttons object with a new set of buttons if you wish:

var options = {
    buttons: {
        NewButton: function () {
            // add code here
$(selector).dialog('option', options);

The discussion here is better:

Add in the prescribed extensions and you can just use addbutton and removebutton (should switch to camel case naturally :)

+1  A: 

Buttons cannot be added/set while the dialog is loading.

Stefan Kendall