



How do I configure NHibernate to create the db schema with a column like this:

create_dt datetime not null default getdate()

I have this in the mapping file:

<property name="create_dt" update="false" insert="false" generated="insert" not-null="true" />

Is there anyway I can inject the sql server specific default getdate(). The documentation for generated properties even mentions this is how you handle a create_date field. I'm just not sure how to make my db schema generate properly. Will I have to edit the create table scripts manually?

Similar question.

EDIT: I figured out I can always change the table schema like so:

    <create>ALTER TABLE Report ADD CONSTRAINT DF_report_create_dt DEFAULT getdate() FOR create_dt;</create>

and I could add a trigger in the same way for an update_dt type of field. This seems better than supplying explicit insert and update statements that use getdate().

+2  A: 

this is an answer on a thread for Hibernate... it should port over to nHibernate without changing it...;t=996901&amp;view=previous

please see the last post.

Failing that, i always generate the "date created" of an object in the constructor of the class:

public class MyClass


private DateTime createdDate;

public MyClass()


createdDate = DateTime.Now;



+1 for doing it in the domain instead of the database
I guess it's just too database specific. I suppose I'd have to use the custom update query to handle an _update_dt_ column. I'll probably just edit the create scripts for the _create_dt_ columns.
Could someone explain why it's better to do it in the domain? I can only think of bad things such as the wrong system time and it's never going to be as exact as getdate().
+2  A: 

I alway prefer to use the NHibernate Event system to set my audit properties like created date or update date. (See event system documentation here).

I prefer this approach because it keeps the logic out of my database layer but also it gives me the ability to have a single location in my code that is responsible for setting these values. And if I have a common base class for all my entities then I can even guarantee consistent behavior throughout my domain.

Andrew Hanson
The event system seems cool. I'd still prefer to use the db's date and I think I could do it by simply using a "select getdate()" to fetch the current date from db. This is the way to go, I don't want to copy that same logic to every table with those fields.
thanks, I went the events route. very nice! now I need to figure out how to inherit mapping files...
Have you looked at for defining your mappings? If you're just looking at mapping inherited classes you can use the subclass element.
Andrew Hanson