By default, ColdFusion passes simple types (like numeric, string, and GUID) by value to functions. I'd like to pass a simple type by reference.
I'm currently wrapping a simple value in a struct (they get passed by reference). This solves my problem but it is very ugly:
<!--- TheFunctionName---->
<cffunction name="TheFunctionName">
<cfargument name="OutVariable" type="struct">
<cfset OutVariable.ID = 5>
<cfset OutVariable=StructNew()>
<cfset TheFunctionName(OutVariable)>
<!--- I want this to output 5--->
I'd rather something like this:
<!--- TheFunctionName---->
<cffunction name="TheFunctionName">
<cfargument name="OutVariable" passbyref="true">
<cfset OutVariable = 5>
<cfset TheFunctionName(OutVariable)>
<!--- I want this to output 5--->