



Well i am currently working on a project doing some UI mockups when certain users wanted to have two logo on the top left ot the website. One is to indicate what is the website about then another is to indicate that this website is actually belong to this particular sector.

I thought that UI design wise this is very bad because two logos on top left. If users go in initially he won't be able to know which logo means what.

What are your opinions regarding this?

+1  A: 

It seems reasonable to me.

Ben Hoffstein

Who pays the bills?

Thomas Wagner
Succumbing to pressure from people that don't forsee the usability issues is a bad idea in most cases... however, some usability tests to indicate whether it really IS a bad idea is necessary.
Mike Stone
whatever happened to "the customer is always right."? While I agree that it may not be the best choice if the person paying asks for it then what's wrong with letting them choose what's right for *their* project?
If they are aware of the problems associated with the decision, then sure, let them do it, but I think it's best to inform them of consequences, especially if you can do it with hard data to back you up (they will probably appreciate it and know that you are taking care of them).
Mike Stone

Sounds dependent on the implementation to me.

Geoffrey Chetwood
+1  A: 

I think that you need to have a meeting with your client and explain to them the potential confusion that some of there customers may have. Then come up with a solution that you can both agree on. Something that will suit the flow of the site and still present the information that your client has asked to displayed.

+4  A: 

It does sound rather confusing, though it may depend on the content of the logos as to whether they are difficult to figure out.

I would recommend getting someone who hasn't used the site to see the mockup and see what they think about it (without guidance)... ie some usability testing.

Check out Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug... you will want to do some tests right away after you read that, and he goes into detail about what to do when you get pulled in the wrong direction by people who don't really understand the consequences of the decision.

Mike Stone
+1  A: 

I would think that the logo representing the sector would either be of a subdued nature (muted colors as to not distract from the primary logo), or would be somewhere else on the page (sidebar or footer).

Forgotten Semicolon
+1  A: 

Doesn't seem too bad. Are both the logos the same size?

Suppose a company ABC has a sub-company Alpha. I would think it's perfectly OK to have ABC in the logo (in smaller font, albeit) with Alpha in a more dominant font.

+1  A: 

Do you need to customize the main logo for the particular sector maybe?

Ted Elliott
+2  A: 

It can be a problem if both logos have the same level of visual dominance but if you make one look subordinate to the other it should be okay. You can vary them by size, color saturation, and/or relative position (one can be in the corner of the other).

Mark Cidade
+2  A: 

The only place I have seen this is at blues news. I don't like it much

+2  A: 

Surely this is purely subjective and it depends on teh logos and the design of the rest of the site?

I can't think of any examples but I'm sure I've seen multiple logos living quite happilly in one place. That said I'm sure I've seen one logo look completely rubbish...

It depends on your design and the logos.

Omar Kooheji

I think that you need to find some other users, go get drunk