



I have a two dimensional grid of cells. In this simulation, cells may request to switch position with another cell. The request also has a priority.

The problem is that Im having a hard time coming up with a good way to structure this. If A wants to switch with B, and B also wants to switch with A, they currently can be switched and switched back in a single logic tick (which should be impossible).

The solution probably involves making sure (A to B)==(B to A) and insertion sorting them into a list by their priority.

Does such data structure have a name? Anyone recognise the problem and can provide some good links for reading?

+1  A: 

I can't say that I've come across an example like this before, so I don't know what it would be called, but perhaps something like this would work...

Cell - a class or struct

  • CellId
  • XCoordinate
  • YCoordinate

SwitchRequest - a class or struct

  • RequestingCell
  • TargetCell
  • Priority
  • CanSwitch

SwitchRequests - an array of SwitchRequests

AlreadySwitchedCells - an array of Cells


For each tick:

clear AlreadySwitchedCells
build list of SwitchRequests
sort SwitchRequests by Priority (highest to lowest)
loop through each SwitchRequest
  if (RequestingCell is not in AlreadySwitchedCells and TargetCell is not in AlreadySwitchedCells)
    add RequestingCell and TargetCell to AlreadySwitchedCells
    SwapCellIds(RequestingCell, TargetCell)

Note: There are some options here, like whether you should make the coordinates properties of a Cell or just store the CellIds in an two-dimensional array, but hopefully this gives you a starting point.

Forgot to accept this, and I doubt the question will see much more activity. Thanks! :)