



I am learning functional programming concepts now a days, and professionally I am an developer. But makes you to change properties of objects too often in code behind. Functional programming is based on immutable objects. And apply this concept to change the value of a textbox will be very painful. Also in some event handlers like FormView's ItemInserted arguments are made available to the developer like KeepInInsertMode which developer can change to true/false, and in this case we are modifying the input arguments which is against the FP. Your thoughts frnds. Which is the correct way of UI handling in software world ? FP or OOPS.

+2  A: 

Using the functional paradigm will lead to thinking in another way: you won't wonder "what will happen when this button is clicked", but rather: what is the new state of my application after a button click.

The 'new state' will be used by the presentation layer of your software to do some GUI work.

This will result in a "state -> event -> state" function, which is probably much more predictable than the OO "tell, don't ask" paradigm.

But it may also be more elaborate.

+2  A: 

You ask for the "correct" way, but this is an engineering problem, not a mathematical problem. There are trade-offs, some form of taste comes into play, and it is unlikely that there is a one-size fits all perfect solution.

Also, just because does something in a certain way, does this mean that all OO frameworks have made the same design decisions. Have a look at Ruby on Rails, or the Smalltalk Seaside web framework for a different, but still OO approach. Even MVC for example takes a somewhat different approach than vanilla

The same is true for FP frameworks for UI handling, with the additional caveat that they currently seem to be more experimental - i.e. I don't think all the design options have been explored as much as for OO frameworks. If you want to have a look, I recommend looking into functional reactive programming (mostly for interactive animations), Links (academic - has aspects in common with LINQ), or LiveLab's reactive framework - each emphasizing a different aspect of the problem.

There is much to learn here, the most important thing probably that there is no easy answer...

Kurt Schelfthout