



For a dedicated server, is it better to store the connection string in web.config or machine.config? what's the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?


Edit: I'm concerned about security here, so, the question is about which approach is more secure.

+6  A: 

I would always go with web.config on the grounds that that is where everyone would expect it to be. There is no point in giving the person that has to maintain the web site any more difficulty by storing connection strings in an unusual place.


Based on the additional information that the OP is interested in the security aspect, rather than and general reason I've added the following.

I still wouldn't store connection strings in the machine.config. If you do that any .NET application running on the machine has access to your connection strings.

web.config is a protected file. IIS won't serve it up by default unless you do something to misconfigure it.

Colin Mackay
I agree. Keep it simple. And not just for others, for yourself, too.
Actually I'm going to maintain the site myself so this is not a problem.
Waleed Eissa
My recommendation makes no mention of who the maintainer is. Even if it is you, my recommendation still stands. Keep things simple. 6 months down the line you might have forgotten.
Colin Mackay
I won't forget, promise :) .. seriously, the point in the question is to know which approach is more secure and why. It seems to me machine.config can be a little more secure than web.config. Security is my real concern here.
Waleed Eissa
Then you may wish to edit your question to reflect that you are more interested in the security aspect.
Colin Mackay
It's not so much IIS/ASP.NET serving it up (although there's a possibility there could be a bug) that should be the worry, but your own code. Scripts to serve files that don't take relative paths into account are a wonderful way to get access to web.config.
@blowdart, interesting point. This seems like a good reason to consider machine.config
Waleed Eissa
@Waleed: everything I've read here indicates *do not* use machine.config. It's utterly non-standard
I've also changed the id the ASPNET process is hosted by to a domain account. Then use integrated security and give that account the absolute minimum security it needs to get the work done (granting it dbadm is bad).
Jeff Siver
@Jeff S, actually I'm using MySQL, so no integrated security with that
Waleed Eissa
+3  A: 

I, personally, would never store my connection strings in my machine.config file, only ever in the web.config.

You say it's a dedicated server, but is this server dedicated to a single web application?
If not, you've now got a single file (machine.config) that's effectively sharing configuration data for multiple (probably un-related) web applications. Depending upon the number of those applications, and if you ever needed to move them to another server, using the machine.config could get very messy.

Even if the server is dedicated to a single web application, you'll probably be performing your development and testing on other machines. Since the machine.config is not normally a file that's included within the file-set of a ASP.NET web application project, you will probably have to go out of your way to deploy the machine.config to each of the various dev/test/production machines, and ensure that other (non-connection string) related configuration within them is correct for that machine.

Using the web.config to store database connection strings makes perfectly logical sense and is entirely expected by almost all ASP.NET developers, even if you have multiple applications that will use the exact same database on the exact same database server. Keeping this configuration in the web.config of each application allows each of those applications to be more self-contained and not reliant upon some other "outside" file.

I generally view the machine.config and something that the framework itself uses, and it belongs on a machine and is specific to that machine. I very rarely go in and touch it myself. I view the web.config as a file that's part and parcel of your web application project and "moves around" with that project as it moves and is deployed to different machines.

Also, don't forget that a lot of what's defined in the machine.config can be "overridden" on a per-application basis by redefining certain configuration elements within a specific application's web.config file.

Of course, there are a few valid reasons to editing/changing your machine.config file (such as multiple web servers in a web farm will probably need things like encryption/decryption keys within the machine.config to be synchronised), however, I don't believe database connection strings are one of those valid reasons.

Thanks for your detailed answer, it's a single web application by the way.
Waleed Eissa

security wise you could look into storing your connection strings in there own encrypted .config file that your web.config file would have a reference to.

You can encrypts just sections of the web.config. You don't have to create a whole new file.
Colin Mackay
i usually find it easier to manage if they are in a seperate file. especially if you have loads of connection strings.
+2  A: 

If security is your primary concern, concentrate on locking down the database and user permissions. The security difference between web/machine .config is minimal. Colin's answer is correct. I'd have voted up or commented there but I don't have the moxie yet!

Indeed - Security is a multi-layered beast. You should do your best to be locking down the bits below the surface as well as what is at the surface just to be sure.
Colin Mackay