



Hey there! Here's my question:

I've got a Datagrid in WPF and I have a first column that is a DataGridComboBoxColumn.

What I'd like to do is to have a header for that column also with a combobox: altering the header with propagate throughout the column.

I can get this done visually, but when I submit the data, the list that is bound with the Datagrid does not carry the new combobox values.

<dg:DataGridComboBoxColumn SelectedItemBinding="{Binding BIBStatus}"                                            
                           ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource typeStatus}}" 
                                <TextBlock Text="Built-In Bridge"/>
                                <ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding BIBStatus}" 
                                          ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource typeStatus}}"/>

In the ComboBox_SelectionChanged I have the following code:

DataGridColumn comboCol = this.gridResults.Columns[0];

        for (int i = 0; i < this.gridResults.Items.Count; i++)
            ComboBox myCmBox = (comboCol.GetCellContent(this.gridResults.Items[i]) as ComboBox);

            myCmBox.SelectedValue = ((ComboBox)sender).SelectedValue;

When I submit the data, I submit the list that is DataContext to the Datagrid; if I change the value of the first column addressing a row at a time, i.e. clicking the cell with the combobox in each row, the values are propagated to the list in DataContext, however if I change the value of the first column by the header it does not.

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? I'm guessing it's the way I affect each row, but I've tried SelectedValue, SelectedItem and SelectedIndex... all to no avail.

Thanks in advance...


I think I may have solved it... or at least disguised it...

DataGridColumn comboCol = this.gridResults.Columns[0];

        for (int i = 0; i < this.gridResults.Items.Count; i++)
            ComboBox myCmBox = (comboCol.GetCellContent(this.gridResults.Items[i]) as ComboBox);
            myCmBox.SelectedItem = ((ComboBox)sender).SelectedItem;

        if (this._results != null)
            foreach (Device device in _results)
                device.BIBStatus = (TypeStatus)Enum.ToObject(typeof(TypeStatus), ((ComboBox)sender).SelectedValue);

I tried to change only the datacontext and hope for the two-way binding to work, but it only did when I focused on each row's combobox. So I thought: "why not both ways?" As you can see, I change both each combobox's selecteditem and each device's BIB status (the datacontext part). This way I get the desired effect.

However I do not think this solution is the best one and I'm still hoping there is a way I can do this without being a scoundrel.

Any suggestions are still welcome!
