



How to I properly parameterize the speech recognizer so that it can more easily recognize the words that the user will probably say?

As far as I can tell there is no way.

I believe this site is wrong:

According to the site, this code: ArrayList< String > potentialResults = new ArrayList< String >();

// Create Intent  
Intent intent = new Intent("android.speech.action.RECOGNIZE_SPEECH");

Will give a hint to the recognizer that you might say those words. However, it appears to do absolutely nothing. It also conflicts with the google documentation which says:

"An ArrayList of the potential results when performing ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH. Only present when RESULT_OK is returned." This hints that the array is a return value NOT an input.

To test this out try adding: ArrayList< String > potentialResults = new ArrayList< String >();
potentialResults.add("cumin"); and try to get the speech recognizer to recognize it. You will find it very difficult.

Does any one have insight into how to properly control the speech recognizer?

+3  A: 

If by "control" you mean "supply a list of possible results", I suspect you don't.

I believe you are correct vis a vis the linked-to blog post being wrong. However, AFAIK, the only control you have over the speech is to indicate if it is LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM or LANGUAGE_MODEL_WEB_SEARCH.

EXTRA_RESULTS are the outputs, as you indicate, with the possible matches for the spoken prose. You can see the results used in an API sample.

I was afraid you would say that. Hopefully they will improve the API in the next version of Android. This API they have in version 3 is hard to use.
+1  A: 

What I have come up with to deal with this was to create a database of possibilities. I then take the results and substring them to 2 or 3 characters and query the db for the terms. If someone said red then I would search the db for LIKE 're%' and this is actually pretty accurate for what I need.


HI, I am new bie to Android and trying to get some hands on experience on Speech Capabilities in Android.

My queries:

  1. what is Ue Speech Engine? mkean to say whether u are using google voice action App or any other Speech recognition software ?
  2. is Google voice action available for free download for India ? if so where can i get it ?
  3. Does dragon naturally speaking software can be used for Speech recognition in Android?

Thanks and Regards, Fazal

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