



Hello, Does anyone know why my ListView with following Code is not working? I checked it out with Snoop and the ItemsSource seems to be fine (and when I start Snoop, the ListView displays me the MyViewModel.MyCollection, but when debugging with Visual Studio it shows me nothing?)

Thank you!

PS: MainWindow.xaml.cs has the DataContext = MainViewModel

    <ListView Grid.Row="1" Margin="38,50,0,168" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="listViewSelectDate" Width="105"
              ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyViewModel.MyCollection}" 
              SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedDate}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
                <GridViewColumn Header="Date" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=CalcDate}"/>

The ViewModel looks like this:

class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public SummaryViewModel MyViewModel
        get { return _myViewModel; }
        set { _myViewModel = value; RaisePropertyChanged("MyViewModel"); }
    public MyDate SelectedDate
        get { return _selectedDate; }
        set { _selectedDate = value; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedDate"); }


public class SummaryViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public ObservableCollection<MyDate> MyCollection { get; set; }


public class MyDate
    public DateTime CalcDate { get; set; }
+1  A: 

Who sets MyCollection? It is not providing change notification, so the binding doesn't know that it has been changed. Change to:

private ObservableCollection<MyDate> _myCollection;
public ObservableCollection<MyDate> MyCollection
    get { return _myCollection; }
        _myCollection = value;

Or, even better, make it read-only:

private readonly ICollection<MyDate> _myCollection = new ObservableCollection<MyDate>();

public ICollection<MyDate> MyCollection
    get { return _myCollection; }

HTH, Kent

Kent Boogaart
Actually I thought ObservableCollection doesn't need a OnPropertyChanged (in my case RaisePropertyChanged), since it already implements INotifyPropertyChanged ( Anyways, I tried that too and it doesn't seem to work..
Joseph Melettukunnel
My mistake, you were right! Thanks a lot
Joseph Melettukunnel

Look in the Visual Studio Output window, it will show any DataBinding errors that you may be getting which may help you resolve the issue.

Which Window do you mean? :-) I didn't know that Visual Studio can display WPF DataBindings
Joseph Melettukunnel
The Output window.