



I have some CMS. and have a requirement that these CMS can send article together whenever needed. I think I can use WebService to solve my problem by do following: 1/ CMS-01 invoke WS by sending data(article and received CMS(s)) when it want to send an article 2/Webservice receive data and push to other CMS(s) which CMS-01 have selected.

But I don't know how to use WS to push data to client(s). I use Java and Axis to develop my WebService and all my CMS written by Java Please help me to solve my problem !!


The push version of ajax is sometimes called "comet".

I found these articles on the subject.


Thanks for you answer but I think you don't understand my problrem. Comet is used to push data from server to browser.But in my case, I want to push data from Web Service to a Content Management System (server not browser). I would like to develop a function for my CMS system so that many CMS can share information together.

Please tell me if my description is not clear.

You should have edited your question to provide this clarification instead of creating an answer