



I am having some issues with a custom validator that I have setup. The validator is now in a control which is in an update panel, in another control, in a page. The first time the page loads the validator works perfectly, after a partial update (in the update panel), the validation will not work. The problem is that the my RegisterExpandoAttribute values are not maintained. I know this problem is documented, and I found a solution here ( but it is in C# and I am having trouble converting it to VB.NET.

Does anyone know how to maintain my RegisterExpandoAttributes after a partial page update in VB, or can anyone help with the VB conversion of the link I gave? My main problem I believe was the

scriptManagerType.InvokeMember("RegisterExpandoAttribute", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, null, new object[] { this, clientID, "evaluationfunction", "QuantityEntryValidatorEvaluateIsValid", false });

I'm not sure what the | means in C# or how to convert it to VB.NET. Thanks!