



Here is the code. IE7 spouts an "'active.0' is null or not an object" error on line 39, which is:

input.trigger("activate.autocomplete", [$.data(active[0], "originalObject")]); $("body").trigger("off.autocomplete");

Works perfectly in Firefox/Chrome/Opera. Any ideas? Many thanks and much appreciated.

/* jQuery Autocomplete
 * Version 1.0
 * Written by Yehuda Katz ([email protected]) and Rein Henrichs ([email protected])
 * @requires jQuery v1.2, jQuery dimensions plugin
 * Copyright 2007 Yehuda Katz, Rein Henrichs
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 *   hxxp://
     *   hxxp://

 * @description Form autocomplete plugin using preloaded or Ajax JSON data source 
 * @example $('input#user-name').autocomplete({list: ["quentin", "adam", "admin"]})
 * @desc Simple autocomplete with basic JSON data source
 * @example $('input#user-name').autocomplete({ajax: "/usernames.js"})
 * @desc Simple autocomplete with Ajax loaded JSON data source

(function($) {

  $.ui = $.ui || {}; $.ui.autocomplete = $.ui.autocomplete || {}; var active;

  $.fn.autocompleteMode = function(container, input, size, opt) { 
    var original = input.val(); var selected = -1; var self = this;

    $.data(document.body, "autocompleteMode", true);

    $("body").one("cancel.autocomplete", function() { 
      input.trigger("cancel.autocomplete"); $("body").trigger("off.autocomplete"); input.val(original); 

    $("body").one("activate.autocomplete", function() {
      input.trigger("activate.autocomplete", [$.data(active[0], "originalObject")]); $("body").trigger("off.autocomplete");

    $("body").one("off.autocomplete", function(e, reset) {
      $.data(document.body, "autocompleteMode", false);

    // If a click bubbles all the way up to the window, close the autocomplete
    $(window).bind("click.autocomplete", function() { $("body").trigger("cancel.autocomplete"); });

    var select = function() {
      active = $("> *", container).removeClass("active").slice(selected, selected + 1).addClass("active");
      input.trigger("itemSelected.autocomplete", [$.data(active[0], "originalObject")]);     
      input.val(opt.insertText($.data(active[0], "originalObject")));

    container.mouseover(function(e) {
      // If you hover over the container, but not its children, return
      if( == container[0]) return;
      // Set the selected item to the item hovered over and make it active
      selected = $("> *", container).index($('li') ? $([0] : $('li')[0]); select();
    }).bind("click.autocomplete", function(e) {
      $("body").trigger("activate.autocomplete"); $.data(document.body, "suppressKey", false); 

      .bind("keydown.autocomplete", function(e) {
        if(e.which == 27) { $("body").trigger("cancel.autocomplete"); }
        else if(e.which == 13) { $("body").trigger("activate.autocomplete"); }
        else if(e.which == 40 || e.which == 9 || e.which == 38) {
          switch(e.which) {
            case 40: 
            case 9:
              selected = selected >= size - 1 ? 0 : selected + 1; break;
            case 38:
              selected = selected <= 0 ? size - 1 : selected - 1; break;
            default: break;
        } else { return true; }
        $.data(document.body, "suppressKey", true);

  $.fn.autocomplete = function(opt) {

    opt = $.extend({}, {
      timeout: 1000,
      getList: function(input) { input.trigger("updateList", [opt.list]); },
      template: function(str) { return "<li>" + opt.insertText(str) + "</li>"; },
      insertText: function(str) { return str; },
      match: function(typed) { return this.match(new RegExp(typed)); },
      wrapper: "<ul class='jq-ui-autocomplete'></ul>"
    }, opt);

    if($.ui.autocomplete.ext) {
      for(var ext in $.ui.autocomplete.ext) {
        if(opt[ext]) {
          opt = $.extend(opt, $.ui.autocomplete.ext[ext](opt));
          delete opt[ext];
    } }

    return this.each(function() {

        .keypress(function(e) {
          var typingTimeout = $.data(this, "typingTimeout");
          if(typingTimeout) window.clearInterval(typingTimeout);

          if($.data(document.body, "suppressKey"))
            return $.data(document.body, "suppressKey", false);
          else if($.data(document.body, "autocompleteMode") && e.charCode < 32 && e.keyCode != 8 && e.keyCode != 46) return false;          
          else {
            $.data(this, "typingTimeout", window.setTimeout(function() { 
            }, opt.timeout));
        .bind("autocomplete", function() {
          var self = $(this);

"updateList", function(e, list) {
            list = $(list)
              .filter(function() { return, self.val()); })
              .map(function() {
                var node = $(opt.template(this))[0];
                $.data(node, "originalObject", this);
                return node; 


            if(!list.length) return false;

            var container = list.wrapAll(opt.wrapper).parents(":last").children();

            var offset = self.offset();

            opt.container = container
              .css({top: + self.outerHeight(), left: offset.left, width: self.width()})

            $("body").autocompleteMode(container, self, list.length, opt);




Anyone? I'm totally stumped at the moment, I'm afraid. :(


Here is my code that works javascript first:

$(".student_search").autocomplete("student_search.php", {
    minChars: 2,
    cacheLength: 20,
    matchContains: true,
    highlightItem: true,
    parse: function(data) {
       return $.map(eval(data), function(row) {
        return {
          data: row,
          value: row.studentname, //value being searched for
          result: row.studentidnumber //value in text input
    formatItem: function(row, i, max, term) {
     return "<span style='font-size: 110%;'>" + row.studentname + "</span><br/>" + "ID: " + row.studentidnumber + ", " + " Grade: " + row.studentgradenumber;
    formatResult: function(row, i, max){
     return row.studentidnumber;


Here is the code in the PHP file. It prints a JSON object with the data.

$request = strtolower($_GET['q']);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT 
     CONCAT(studentfname, ' ', studentlname, '') 
      AS studentname, studentidnumber, 
       CONCAT(studentgradenumber, 'th') 
        AS studentgradenumber
         FROM studentinfo
          WHERE studentlname LIKE '%".$request."%'
           OR studentfname LIKE '%".$request."%'
            OR studentidnumber LIKE '%".$request."%'") or die(mysql_error());

$results = array();

$i = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) //fetch each result using the column name as the array key
  foreach($row as $column=>$val) //loop through each column
    $results[$i][$column] = $val; //build array using incremental row # and column name
  $i++; //increase the row counter
print json_encode($results);

The JSON object that is printed is:

[{"studentname":"Joe Schmo","studentidnumber":"123456","studentgradenumber":"11th"}]

so row.studentname returns Joe Schmo. Where row is the name of the variable in the function and studentname is the name of the key from the JSON object.


+1  A: 

Check out:

It is a version of jquery.ui.autocomplete.js with most of the IE 7 issues fixed. I found a few more issues which I listed at the bottom along with how to fix them.