



Here's my problem:

I am disturbed by the "impedance mismatch" between what graphic/web designers actually produce, and what is needed by the standard ASP MVC view engine.

Basically there is no way to visually design a view i.e. the output of an action. No WYSIWIG designer. The only way to go from a static HTML design to an MVC app is by manually translating, and all the pain that brings.

What I have been dreaming of reccently is a view engine + designer tool that would let designers actually do their jobs, and for it to "just work" in the web app.

Something like what Blend does for WPF.

Yes, we had something similar in Web Forms but that had its own limitations and I still don't reckon it was usuable by most designers.

Surely a view engine + designer tool could be written, perhaps using a strict syntax (no abitrary code in templates), and allow the designer tool to mock your typed views and render dummy data for visualising output. And for designers to design an action - and have the tool indicate or breakdown the various visual elements on screen (sub views etc).

+1  A: 

There is a rumour that Expression Web will support MVC...

interesting. no link to references though! I mean MS *should* be making something like this. I think its an obvious thing, I'm just surprised there isn't one already (perhaps on another platform)

Now that Lou DeJardin (creator of Spark view engine) has been hired by Microsoft I have a suspicion that this might be related to a new view designer... one that will work with Spark no doubt!

Fingers crossed.

turns out he was working on ASP.NET Web Pages :(