




Hi, I am using a web application to read the excel file and uploading it in the database.

I have deployed the application in the server.I am using windows service 2003 as the server.I am able to read the excel file only if i set the set the security settings to "network service" for the microsoft excel application in the control panel --> administrative tools --> componetn service -- > computer -- > My computer -- >DCOM config -- > microsoft excel application .

Why is it so . There are also other applications running in the server.

1) Doing like this will create any issue ?

2) Why do we need to do it ?

3) Is there any alternative way to do it ?

4) What are we doing actually by providing network service access ?

Please help

+1  A: 

1 & 2) I can only speculate that this is required because your ASP.NET application is a service.

3) You could use SpreadsheetGear for .NET which is a safe managed assembly which does not require FullTrust (although you will of course need access to any workbooks you are trying to load).

You can see ASP.NET samples here and download a free trial here.

Disclaimer: I own SpreadsheetGear LLC

Joe Erickson