



I'm looking for large-scale world maps that I can shade by country. Google Charts has an API for this but it only allows you to generate a small map (440x220 px). Does anyone know of a way to generate such maps with an open-source library?

+1  A: 

The Geomap, from the Google Visualization API, can be sized as large as you want; however, it uses Flash instead of SVG.

Chris B

Wikipedia has a lot of SVG Maps, but it is not a library.

+1  A: 

With the Wikipedia SVG Maps you can "shade" countries by simply using CSS.

Some examples of using such maps (SVG, CSS, HTML, JS) can be found here. That will export either a full map, or just the stylesheet which can be applied to a local copy of the map. I'd recommend using Opera for the best viewing experience, but it should work in all the browsers that support SVG.

Erik Dahlström
+1 That's pretty cool.
Chris B