



I want to enable an effect on my web app where a user clicks an "Edit" icon and a text box elegantly slides out horizontally immediately to the right of the icon. Currently it is sliding out, but not very elegantly, because when I click on the icon for some reason a new row is created in the browser below where I clicked (and all content below is bumped down). The text box slides out, and then bizarrely jumps back up to where I originally wanted it to go, and the new row created disappears.

Please note, however, that if I put the textbox on its own line so that it is fully left-justified against the margin, that it works just fine. But I want it to scroll it to the right of the icon.

This behavior is the same for IE8 and Firefox.

Here is the HTML:

<img src="../images/edit.gif" onclick="toggleNotebox()" style="cursor:pointer"/>
<span id="AddText" style="display:none">
    <input name="AddNoteText" id="TextBox" onkeypress="return addNote(event);" />

And here is the relevant Javascript:

function toggleNotebox() {
    var options = {};
    $('#AddText').toggle('slide', options, 500);

Here is the URL to see this behavior in action:

+2  A: 

Try putting a float: left on both elements.

edit: for some reason the above works but if you try to edit it it doesn't show my changes to the code. not sure what happened.

you can also lose the "onClick" in your markup and just set the `toggle()` function in the `document.ready` function
This works. FYI, I also had some other elements to the left of the icon, so I had to add a float:left to each of those, too, but in the end I got what I wanted.

Inline elements, which spans and inputs are by default, don't honour explicit widths. So jQuery's either changing the display of the animated element to block, or wrapping it in a block element so that that element can be animated.

That's why Samuel's change works - floated elements honour widths.
