




hi all...

Take a gander at the following code. Basically, this is a function that gets called in order to identify the used range of a worksheet, loop through that range, and hash social security numbers.

Here's the problem. If I create a spreadsheet and populate one cell, the function does not hash that cell. However, if I populate more than one, it works.

Could this be a bug in the UsedRange property? Or am I missing something?

thanks much.


try { foreach (Excel.Worksheet ws in _excelWorksheet) { // Grab the range of numbers that populates the XLS. Excel.Range range = ws.UsedRange;
                // In the following cases, Value2 returns different types:
                // 1. The range variable points to a single cell:
                // Value2 returns a object
                // 2. The range variable points to many cells:
                // Value2 returns object[,]

                object[,] values = (object[,])range.Value2;

                for (int row = 1; row <= values.GetUpperBound(0); row++)
                    for (int col = 1; col <= values.GetUpperBound(1); col++)
                        // Convert values to strings.
                        string value = Convert.ToString(values[row, col]);

                        // Mask the value that we retrieved and store it in a variable.
                        switch (_mdOptions.cbobxEncryption.Text)
                            case "MD5":
                                    replaceSSN = SHA2Hash.ComputeHash(value, "MD5", null);
                            case "SHA256":
                                    replaceSSN = SHA2Hash.ComputeHash(value, "SHA256", null);
                                    replaceSSN = SHA2Hash.ComputeHash(value, "SHA256", null);

                        // Match expressions to sensitive data and replace with the hash
                        // value.
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(value, @"\b[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}\b"))
                            range.Cells.set_Item(row, col, replaceSSN);
                        else if (Regex.IsMatch(value, @"\b[0-9]{3}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{4}\b"))
                            range.Cells.set_Item(row, col, replaceSSN);
        catch (Exception)
            // This is here because of a non-fatal error that we're getting with
            // Windows 7 during the hashing phase. Everything still works,
            // it's just that this error keeps popping up.


            //MessageBox.Show("There was a major error. Please restart the program.");
            //MessageBox.Show(@"Exception: " + ee);

        // Pull the hashed password from the registry and add it to the SaveAs
        //string saveAsPassword = Convert.ToString(Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mask Data", "Password", ""));

            Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
            Type.Missing, false,
            Type.Missing, true, Type.Missing,
            Type.Missing, Type.Missing); 
        // Report success.    
        MessageBox.Show("File masked successfully.",
            "Mask Data", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 

        // Shutdown instance of Excel.

        // Release memory.
+2  A: 

As stated in the comment in your code, the Value2 property returns a single text / number / logical / error value for a single cell or object[,] for multiple cells.

Joe Erickson
But that's just it... maybe I'm simply confused, but it's a double and it's supposed to be cast as an object... so why isn't it working???
If you have a double boxed as an object and try to cast it to object[,], the expected behavior is an InvalidCastException. You need to check (range.Value2 is object[,]) before casting, or use (range.Value2 as object[,]) which will yield null if it is not object[,]. Of course, you should save the value returned from range.Value2 in a local variable so as not to allocate it twice.
Joe Erickson
+1  A: 

You can't convert a double to a 2 dimensional array of objects, if only because a double has only 1 dimension. Apologies if I am telling you something you already know but the term 'double' means double precision, and has nothing to do with 2 dimensional arrays (as defined by object[,]).

You could simply add a check for this case so the first few lines would look like:

XLS.Excel.Range range = ws.UsedRange;
object[,] values;
if (range.Value2.GetType().IsArray)
    values = (object[,])range.Value2;
    values = new object[2,2];
    values[1,1] = range.Value2;

I don't have VS on this machine so the code is untested but should be pretty close

EDIT: Having knocked up a quick test app I can see what UsedRange.Value2 is doing - it returns an array of all of the sheet values which is why if there is more than 1 cell it is an array however for one cell it will just return that value (which could be any type). The code above will work however is a bit of a hack. The correct way to get the number of rows and columns is using:




If you change your for loops to use these 2 values rather than the array bounds it will solve your problem, and will work for both single and multiple rows

thanks Macros... I think I'm getting it... however, when I run the code, I get an error that I can't apply the ! operand to an object... how else can I write it. I've tried a couple different ways, but then I get more issues...
BTW, I've only been writing C# code for a year off and on, so sorry if this seems like a no-brainer...
I've knocked up a quick test app and looked into it further, please see edited answer
thanks buddy! It works!
I was wrong... it doesn't work... what's happening is when it gets to <pre><code>values = new object[2,2]; while debugging it, the values are null -- 0,0 0,1 1,0 1,1 are all null... then the error gets thrown...
I've edited again and assigned the value to the position 1,1 of the array which lookw like the ony one you are checking?
No actually, it's checking the entire UsedRange... I think it's working now. I've placed one instance of an SSN in various spots and they hash correctly each time... thanks bud.