



How do I deploy/publish a Web Application with CruiseControl.NET & MSBuild? I am new to CCNET and I able to get it to get the latest source from SVN and Build with MSBuild 3.5. How do I get the site to publish to another (DEVELOPMENT) server? Thanks for any pointers/examples.

Cheers, ~ck


I typically use the Build Publisher task to deploy files onto remote servers. You could also write a script with an xcopy command to deploy as well.


You can use Web Deployment Projects to help with this as well. In the WDP you can use the ExcludeFromBuild item to exclude those files. For more info see

This would handle the site to get pre-compiled for you to then publish to another dev server, this depends on how you deploy now. If you copy to network share or ftp then you can do those with MSBuild as well. I'm not familiar with the Build Publisher that the previous answer mentions.

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi