, msbuild, /p:OutputPath and CCNetArtifactDirectory

I'm trying to setup at the moment. So far it works nice, but I have a Problem with the MSBuild Task. According to the Documentation, it passes CCNetArtifactDirectory to MSBuild. But how do I use it? I tried this: <buildArgs>/noconsolelogger /p:OutputPath=$(CCNetArtifactDirectory)\test</buildArgs> But that does not ...

Use SVN Revision to label build in CCNET

I am using CCNET on a sample project with SVN as my source control. CCNET is configured to create a build on every check in. CCNET uses MSBuild to build the source code. I would like to use the latest revision number to generate AssemblyInfo.cs while compiling. How can I retrieve the latest revision from subversion and use the value in ...

Using MSTest with CruseControl.NET

We have been using CrusiseControl for quite a while with NUnit and NAnt. For a recent project we decided to use the testing framework that comes with Visual Studio, which so far has been adequate. I'm attempting to get the solution running in Cruise Control. I've finally got the build itself to work; however, I have been unable to get...

Integrating Visual Studio Test Project with Cruise Control

I'm looking into using Visual Studio 2008's built in unit test projects instead of NUnit and I was wondering if anyone has any experience in trying to integrate this type of unit test project with Cruise Control.Net....

Pre-build task - deleting the working copy in CruiseControl.NET

Hello, I'm currently in the process of setting up a continuous integration environment at work. We are using VisualSVN Server and CrusieControl.NET. Occasionally a build will fail and a symptom is that there are conflicts in the CruiseControl.NET working copy. I believe this is due to the way I've setup the Visual Studio solutions. Hopef...

What do you use as a good alternative to Team System?

I would like to gauge what solutions other people put in place to get Team System functionality. We all know that Team System can be pricey for some of us. I know they offer a small team edition with five licenses with a MSDN subscription, but what if your team is bigger than five or you don't want to use Team System? ...

How can you publish a ClickOnce application through CruiseControl.NET?

I have CruiseControl.NET Version 1.4 set up on my development server. Whenever a developer checks in code, it makes a compile. Now we're at a place where we can start giving our application to the testers. We'd like to use ClickOnce to distribute the application, with the idea being that when a tester goes to test the application, t...

Does CruiseControl.NET run on IIS 7.0?

I'm new to development (an admin by trade) and I'm setting up my development environment and I would like to set up a CruiseControl.Net server on Server 2008. A quick Google did not turn up any instructions for getting it running on IIS 7.0, so I was wondering if anyone had experience getting this set up. ...

Managed Source Control Hosting and Continuous Integration with CVSDude and

For my own project at home, I'm using the rather excellent managed subversion hosting from CVSDude. As it's only me working on the code right now, I'm not using, however I expect this will change in the next couple of months and will want a full build process to kick off upon check-in. Has anyone managed to get Cruise...

Where to start with CruiseControl.NET

I'm setting up my team's source control + build/integration process from scratch. We were using VSS and a tool we created in-house to perform the build process. We decided to move on to a more modern environment. I have the SVN running, and I would like to set a continuous integration process with CruiseControl.NET. Is there a good step-...

Modifying Cruise Control.NET

We are investigating using CruiseControl.NET as both a Continues Integration build provider, as well as automating the first part of our deployment process. Has anyone modified CruiseControl.NET's dashboard to add custom login and user roles (IE, Separate out access to forcing a build to only certain individuals on a per project basis? ...

Forms Authentication across Applications

I'm working on a internal web based tool for my company. Part of this tool is another application (The Cruise Control Dashboard) that runs in its own Virtual Directory under my root application. I wanted to limit access to this internal application by setting up Forms Authentication on it, and having a login form in the root application...

CruiseControl.Net Build Publisher - Only publish compiled files

While setting up CruiseControl, I added a buildpublisher block to the publisher tasks: <buildpublisher> <sourceDir>C:\MyBuild\</sourceDir> <publishDir>C:\MyBuildPublished\</publishDir> <alwaysPublish>false</alwaysPublish> </buildpublisher> This works, but it copies the entire file contents of the build, I only want to copy the D...

CruiseControl.NET and NAnt

I have a CC.NET project configured to call a common NAnt build file, which does some stuff, and then calls a child NAnt build file. The child build file name is specified by CC.NET to the command build file using a property. The hurdle that I am trying to get over is that the common build file log gets overwritten by the child build fil... duplicate NAnt timings

I'm trying to setup webdashboard at the moment. So far it works nice, but I have a problem with the NAnt Build Timing Report. Firstly, my current ccnet.config file looks something like this: <project name="bla"> ... <prebuild> <nant .../> </prebuild> <tasks> <nant .../> </tasks> <publishers> <nant .../> </publisher...

How do I delete a directory with / cruiscontrol ?

I would like to delete my working directory during the cruisecontrol build process...I'm sure this is easy, but I have been unable to find an example of it... If you know how to create a directory, that would be useful as well. Thanks. ...

Need a lightweight, free, windows SMTP server

Anyone have any experience with 3rd party SMTP server for windows (server 2003)? I would like to set one up so that the cruise control can send reports of nightly builds and svn check-ins. I would like the server to be lightweight and free (this will only be used for sending email) I know windows server 2003 has a SMTP server built in...

Automate test of web service communication

I have an application that sends messages to an external web service. I build and deploy this application using MSBuild and Cruisecontrol.NET. As CCNET build and deploys the app it also runs a set of test using NUnit. I'd now like to test the web service communication as well. My idea is that as part of the build process a web service ...

Override Working Folder with Starteam/CruiseControl

For some reason, I can't seem to get to checkout code to anywhere but the starteam working folder for a specificed view. I've tried both overrideViewWorkingDir and overrideFolderWorkingDir, and neither seem to work. Has anyone been able to do this? ...

VS.Net 2005 required on Build box with .Net 2.0 C++ Projects?

We have a build box that uses CruiseControl.Net and has been building VB.Net and C# projects using msbuild. All I have installed on the box as far as .Net is concerned is .Net 2.0 SDK (I'm trying to keep the box as clean as possible). We are now trying to get a C++ app building on this box. The problem we are running into is that the ...