



Can anyone suggest a good book for learning C# 3 and Visual Studio 2008?

+4  A: 

I would look at C# in depth by Jon Skeet. If you want to get a flavor for his writing check out his blog, or some of his answers. Link to manning pushlishing.

Edit: See Reed's Comment about where to get the book.

A good recommendation, assuming that the OP is already familiar with C#1 (and ideally C#2).
It covers some of 1 and 2 also.
I'd recommend going to Manning publishing directly, and buying the preview of the 2nd edition. It comes with v1 as a PDF + you get early access to the C# 4 features, and its cheaper than buying from amazon directly.
Reed Copsey
+1  A: 

I used Head First C# to get me started and enjoyed it immensely though I would suggest this for an intermediate to beginner level.

I would also suggest, if you are at the previously stated level, moving on to a more in depth book after this one.

Refracted Paladin
+2  A: 

Andrew Troelsen Books:

C# 3.0

C# 3.5

He starts at the very beginning running his programs on the command prompt. Very good books for learning C# from scratch or just brushing up.
