




Hi All, Can somebody suggest a ASP.net book of same level as CLR via C#. Thanks.

+1  A: 

ASP.Net is a big area now if you include WebForms, MVC, Ajax and Silverlight (not to say Sharepoint to some extent). I have with me "Pro ASP.Net 2.0 in C#2005" from APress which is a good book. THis book is good in that it is quite comprehensive and covers everything related to WebForms. There is a new third edition "Pro ASP.Net 3.5 in C# 2008".


I've not found a single book that covers the topic in significant depth, however, two that I have found useful have been "ASP.Net AJAX in action" and "Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0"

The problem with both those books is that they are specific to topic areas rather than covering the whole framework. That said both books are very good at what they do.


"Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development"
- by Dr. Shahram Khosravi

ASP.Net is all about Server Controls. So if you really want to get into the depth of ASP.net you should focus your learning on how to develop Server Controls and maybe also try to study how existing Server Controls [Web Controls, DataSource Control, etc.] work. The only book available on earth that does this is Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development

Professional ASP.NET series from Wrox press, for both 2.0 special edition and 3.5 sp1. I actually got to learn in depth ASP.Net from these 2 books only. Amazing books with great ratings and reviews on Amazon. However they cannot be compared with CLR via C# from the detailing perspective, but they are exceptionally good.

this. __curious_geek