



We have a web-service within an existing ASP.NET website which works fine when accessed via other ASP.NET bits. I'd like to get Excel 2007 and 2003 to call the w-s and refresh part of a worksheet with the results using VBA.

Ideally I'd like a vanilla version of Excel to be able to do this (ie without the client having to install extra bits).

As a starter (in 2007) I tried Data->Get External Data->From Web. Pointed it at : http://myhost/myvirtdir/ABCInfoWS.asmx?WSDL&op=testwebservice1

Stuff appears in Excel (albeit with 'The Specified XML source does not refer to a schema' message) but it turns out that it's actually a description of all web-services offered under the same WSDL.

Can anyone tell me how I can get the data from testwebservice via VBA ?


Remove the ?WSDL part from the URL above.

EDIT: What does your webservice return?
Excel's Data -> Import Data expects a tabular structure built with tr & td to get the data in.

If your webservice returns XML, it should work as well.

Thanks shahkalpesh but could you expand on that a bit.When I remove the WSDL bit and then repeat the Data->Get External Data->From Web process I get to select from SOAP 1.1 and 2 and HTML and XML. Whichever of the four options I take I get raw XML appearing in the workbook. This is good in a way as I'm pretty sure I can parse the XML in VBA and make use of it that way but shouldn't it be possible to use "Data->Get External Data->From Web" and end up with a formatted display of the actual data within the worksheet ? Thanks again for your help.

Sorry it turns out I can't provide enough infromation via comments. This is what is appearing in Excel when I select SOAP 2 and XML:

Just responding to your edits my w-s returns XML and this is what it looks like - it doesn't contain tr/td because it's previously been used as a 'real' webservice .

I've realised that I'm not getting the actual data at all but instead a description of the data that the webservice provides - I guess my URL is still off the beat a bit ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12=""&gt;
<GetBookJobStatusResponse xmlns=""&gt;