





I have an application that differs for different languages by resources.

Is there a possibility to install the same application on Android several times?

So, as a result I will have German version, French version, English version of the same program, but each installed as a separate applications with different icons.


+1  A: 

No, you can't. At least not without rewriting the androidmanifest.xml to define different identifiers and icons for each of your version.

Does that mean that any Singleton class that was incorrectly released can appear to be available in any of this applications?
Lyubomyr Dutko
I don't think so, as each application is running in it's own process. The only way I see this could occur is when the singleton is acting like an explicitly shared service.

You can change the package name (and icon) for each different language version, if you really wanted to have multiple languages of the same app on the same device.

+1  A: 

You can do this by changing the package name (in the AndroidManifest.xml file). Not the package name for your Java code - the package name for your APK file defined in the AndroidManifest.xml. APK files with different package names are considered completely different applications by Android.

Note: if this is for internationalizing your application, you really should do it as described here by Google.

Isaac Waller