



I just got a job offer to be a FE Developer, but I've never heard of that term before. Strong HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, XSL skills required.

I consider myself proficient in all of those fields except for XSL and I've never heard of that term before. Can anyone enlighten me?

+10  A: 

Front-End Developer

Taylor Leese
Haha... Much too obvious.
I love that you got a job and you didn't understand the title.
Taylor Leese
Actually it was just an offer. I made sure to ask you all before considering it...
+2  A: 

Front-End Developer ... Looking at the requirements, they are expecting you to develop the GUI / Front-End of a website/web app for them.

XSL - Extensible Stylesheet Language. This is for transforming XML to other formats like HTML.

+1  A: 

"Front End" means everything to do with the (web) user interface of a system, as opposed to the "Back End", which tends to mean the business processes, database access, and so on.

Jim Ferrans