



I am using the JQuery form plugin ( to handle the ajax submission of a form. I also have JQuery.Validate ( plugged in for my client side validation.

What I am seeing is that the validation fails when I expect it to however it does not stop the form from submitting. When I was using a traditional form (i.e. non-ajax) the validation failing prevented the form for submitting at all.... which is my desired behaviour.

I know that the validation is hooked up correctly as the validation messages still appear after the ajax submit has happened.

So what I am I missing that is preventing my desired behaviour? Sample code below....

<form id="searchForm" method="post" action="/User/GetDetails">
        <input id="username" name="username" type="text" value="" />  
        <input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Search" />   
<div id="detailsView">

<script type="text/javascript">
    var options = {
        target: '#detailsView'

    rules: {
    username: {required:true}},
    messages: {
    username: {required:"Username is a required field."}}
+1  A: 

Just as a first pass, I'm wondering why the line


doesn't refer to $("searchform")... I haven't looked this up, or tried it, but that just seems to be a mismatch. Wouldn't you want to call validate on the appropriate form?

Anyway, if this is completely wrong, then the error isn't immediately obvious. :)

Bill James
That was an oversight when I posted. But even then it makes no difference as that is the only form on the page - so $('#searchform') is basically equivalent to $('form').

I hope you're not using client-side javascript as your sole means of validation. Client-side validation is easily circumvented and unreliable.

You'll get better, more reliable and more secure results if you validate form data server-side. I know this doesn't answer your question as you asked it, but you should consider the overall architectural implications that this problem presents.

I didn't ask a question about my architecture - I have server side validation. My question is regarding client side validation. Thanks.

May be a return false; on the form will help? :) I mean:

<form id="searchForm" method="post" action="/User/GetDetails" onSubmit="return false;">
+7  A: 

You need to add a callback function for use with the beforeSubmit event when initializing the ajaxForm():

var options = {
        beforeSubmit: function() {
            return $('#searchForm').validate().form();
        target: '#detailsView'

Now it knows to check the result of the validation before it will submit the page.

Lance McNearney
Oops, I didn't know this question was 7 months old... Oh well!
Lance McNearney
+1, Excellent answer. It really helped me out. I'm not using the forms plugin, but, just so other people know, you can do the same thing if you are binding your forms with ajax manually using the $.ajax({...}) method. The only difference is that instead of 'beforeSubmit' it's 'beforeSend'. Again, thanks.
+1  A: 

Also make sure all of your input fields have a "name" attribute as well as an "id" attribute. I noticed the jquery validation plugin doesn't function correctly without these.


... well it's been a while so my situation has changed a little. Currently I have a submitHandler option passed to the Validate() plugin. In that handler I manually use ajaxSubmit. More a workaround than an answer I guess. Hope that helps.

var v = jQuery("#form").validate({
    submitHandler: function(form) {
        jQuery(form).ajaxSubmit({target: "#result"});