



I am trying to store values from an array, to a hash (array value is the key, value just 0). Here is my code. Any ideas?

[1, 2, 3, 4].inject({}) {|result, e| result[e] = 0}

This is the error I am getting.

oMethodError: undefined method `[]=' for 0:Fixnum
    from (irb):1
    from (irb):1:in `inject'
    from (irb):1:in `each'
    from (irb):1:in `inject'
    from (irb):1
    from :0
+2  A: 

The return value of result[e] = 0 is 0, not result. You have to do:

[1, 2, 3, 4].inject({}) {|result, e| result[e] = 0; result}

(or use merge instead of []= or use each instead of inject)

+8  A: 

The issue is that result[e] = 0 returns the result of the operation, namely 0, and that is carried to the next iteration where you try to call []= on it. You can get past this by doing the following:

[1, 2, 3, 4].inject({}) {|result, e| result[e] = 0; result }

+8  A: 

The "; result" thing works fine, but as a matter of taste, I prefer this way:

[1,2,3,4].inject({}) {|result,e| result.merge!(e=>0)}

If this is in performance-critical code, though, taste has its price. Here's a quick benchmark doing this operation a million times.

In Ruby 1.8.5

merge: 22s
merge!: 14s
; result: 9s

In Ruby 1.9.1

merge: 18s
merge!: 11s
; result: 5s
glenn mcdonald
I suspect the penalty comes from creating all the intermediate `e=>0` dictionaries.

You really ought to use merge! instead of merge in this case. There's no reason to create a new hash on every iteration.

[1,2,3,4].inject({}) {|result,e| result.merge!(e=>0)}

It'd take two lines, but you could also do

hash = {}
[1,2,3,4].each{|key| hash[key] = 0}
Andrew Grimm
This would be the fastest method, assuming the problem is really as simple as the example, and there's no other reason to want to use inject...
glenn mcdonald

If your array is a simple array that doesn't have other arrays nested, then I would use the array-dereferencing hash construction method:


Or probably more generalized:

If there are nested arrays, you need to only flatten one level deep, and since there isn't a ruby command for flatten_once, you'll just have to do it manually through concatenation. The upside is you can interleave the zeros during concatenation so you no longer have to zip it:

Hash[*[1,2,3,4].inject([]){|s,x| s.concat([x,0])}]

Quickly benching 1000000 iterations of each on my machine in Ruby 1.8.6 gives me:

aforementioned merge! method:       34s
Hash[*...).concat([x,0])}] method:  25s
aforementioned result! method:      22s
Hash[*...).flatten] method:         15s
Strange, I get different timings than yours. Your concat method is slower than merge!, and your flatten example is slower than the "; result" version. Are you sure about your numbers?
glenn mcdonald
I'm no expert on benchmarking code, so let me know if I did something wrong, but I basically did this:def merg 1000000.times do b=[1,2,3,4].inject({}) {|result,e| result.merge!(e=>0)} end puts "merge: " + ( basically replaced the do ... end contents with what I was testing. I did repeat and got pretty much same results as before. Perhaps it has something to do with doing all this inside a VMware/ubuntu instance? I don't know.
sorry for the unformatted comment there, still a newb at SO posting...
Maybe differences in OS versions? I'm on OS X. With Ruby 1.8.6 I get: merge 19s, merge! 12s, flatten 11s, concat 10s, ;result 7.7s, each 4.6s. With Ruby 1.9.1 it's merge 16s, flatten 11s, merge! 10s, concat 6.5s, ;result 4.4s, each 3.9s. The fact that I get concat faster than flatten, and you get the reverse, makes me think one of us is screwing something up! But that's enough of this...
glenn mcdonald