I have a page that have fileupload control, on the submission of the form, when the fileupload control has file, file is sent via attachment in a mail and working absulutly fine, but when the fileupload control does not have file, ATT00006.dat file is automatically sent via email attachment.
Reference URL: http://nextech.pk/Enquiry.aspx?Enq=cu
Advance Thanks for any help
Edit -- Code:
hpf = fup1.PostedFile;
String toEmail = "[email protected]";
String fromEmail = "[email protected]";
MailMessage objMail = new MailMessage(fromEmail, toEmail);
objMail.IsBodyHtml = true;
StringBuilder MailBody = new StringBuilder();
MailBody.Append("<html><head></head><body> <br>");
MailBody.Append("<br>" + "An enquiry is filed <br><br>");
MailBody.Append("<strong><u>Enquirer Information</u></strong>" + "<br><br>");
MailBody.Append("<strong>Contact Name:</strong>	" + txtFirstName.Text + "<br>");
MailBody.Append("<strong>Email:</strong>			 " + txtEmail.Text + "<br>");
MailBody.Append("<strong>Institute:</strong>		 " + txtInstitute.Text + "<br>");
MailBody.Append("<strong>Phone #:</strong>		 " + txtPhone.Text + "<br>");
MailBody.Append("<br><strong>Description:</strong><br>         " + txtEnquiry.Text + "<br>");
if (hpf != null)
MailBody.Append("<br>" + "This email also contains an attachment:- <Strong>(" + hpf.FileName + ")</Strong><br>");
objMail.Body = MailBody.ToString();
if (hpf != null)
System.IO.Stream inputStream = hpf.InputStream;
String fileName = hpf.FileName;
Attachment attach = new Attachment(inputStream, fileName);
SmtpClient SmtpClnt = new SmtpClient();