If the hue component of my HSL color is in degrees, how can I correctly interpolate between two hues? Using (h1 + h2) / 2 does not seem to produce desirable results in all cases. Here are two examples that illustrate why:
red = 0°
yellow = 60°
blue = 240°
(red + yellow) / 2 = 30° (orange)
(yellow + blue) / 2 = 150° (blue green)
(red + blue) / 2 = 120° (green)
As you can see, averaging red and blue produces green instead purple/magenta! However, if we let:
red = 360°
yellow = 60°
blue = 240°
(red + yellow) / 2 = 210° (blue green)
(yellow + blue) / 2 = 150° (blue green)
(red + blue) / 2 = 300° (magenta)
Now, red and blue produce the expected color, but red and yellow produce a blue green color! In what way can I interpolate the hue component of the color so that the result matches what would be expected of mixing actual paint? Thanks!