



Its possible I am just really really thick. However, looking over the SDK for the live search (MSN search) that uses SOAP, doesn't tell me what URL the service is at?? I can download SDKs for C# or VB which probably encapsulate, but that doesn't help me (I am using ruby).

+1  A: 

The URL you need is:

Additional info on various tools you could use to discover endpoints from WSDL:

If you have VS, you can discover the endpoint by adding a Web Service Reference to a C# console project and then opening the app.config file and looking for the <endpoint> element.

To add the Web Service Reference for the Live Search web service, point the wizard to the WSDL at

Alternatively, you can use the svcutil.exe tool from .Net 3.0 to generate C# client wrapper and a .config file from the WSDL. Again, you are interested in the <endpoint> from the generate config.

Franci Penov
I don't have windows or Visual Studio alas...
Michael Neale
It doesn't matter. I just wanted to give you more info on how you could find out the endpoint if you had VS.In any case, you have the URL you were looking for. :-)
Franci Penov
thanks - yes I realised it after I inspected the WSDL.
Michael Neale