



I'm porting an existing CF8 web app over to CF9 on a development server and am having trouble getting cflayout tabs to work properly. Firebug shows all the .js and .css files loading properly... no JS errors. The tabs work when clicked on, but they are displaying the "name" property instead of the "title" property. All tabs are closable (even though i specify false). Even though I have the first tabbed marked as selected, it isn't selected by default and nothing inside the cflayoutarea tag is displayed (content). Has anyone else seen anything like this in ColdFusion 9?


file the bug at :

If you do a search on cflayout or any other cfajax output tags, you'll see a lot of bugs in the bug tracker. Hopefully they will be ironed out by the time CF9 is released.

+1  A: 

The problem comes from ColdFusion jumping from ExtJS 1 to ExtJS 3. If the problems don't get fixed by release and you don't care about using the latest ExtJS libraries then you can use cfajaximport to run on the old files. I've blogged about it here:

Sam Farmer

My company had the same problem after upgrading to CF9, all of our cflayout tab pages stopped working.

Brady Ashworth

Having the same problem and CF9 has been released now. Cant find any updates or hot fixes to cure it, has anyone else sorted this ?
