The project that we worked on consists of 3 tiers: the presentation tier, the business logic tier and data tier, I will call them here the front, mid and back.
The front is written in PHP and it communicates with the mid via web service (XML-RPC, SOAP, etc.). Users can also write their own clients to talk to the mid. The nid is developed in Java, it performs business logic and provides data to the front, it may also throws exception to the front.
The question I am having is, if I want to have multi-lingual support in future, where shall I develop i18n? It makes sense to be at the front because of all the texts that it has, what about exception and other messages coming from the mid?
If a user develops their own client and the mid has multi-lingual support, the messages coming from it (like exception as said above) can therefore be in their selected language. That's the advantage I'm seeing. I just don't like the idea of having two layers with i18n code and having to handle i18n when I am handling an exception.