



People can belong to one or many groups. What is a good algorithm to output common memberships?

ie, Persons A and B are in Groups C, D, and E ... etc

My preferred language would be Ruby (or maybe Python), but any code or pseudocode would be greatly appreciated.


Are you trying to find anything in particular about the memberships? Or are you just trying to find all memberships... Ie:

A - No group
B - Groups 1, 2, 3
C - Groups 2, 5
D - Groups 2, 3, 4

If it's the latter, I don't think there's a special algorithm to do this; as long as verifying that a person is in a group takes O(1) your best bet is the O(M * N) brute force algorithm.

For each person O(N) {
   Create a set for this person
   For each group O(M) {
       if the person is in the group, add this group to the set O(1) when using maps/hashed structures
   output the set

If you're looking for the intersection of sets, there are many other algorithms out there... but this particular problem is nothing special.

+1  A: 

Did you mean something like the below? (python):

>>> a_groups = set(["A", "B", "C"])
>>> b_groups = set(["B", "C", "D"])
>>> print a_groups & b_groups
set(['C', 'B'])
+1  A: 

It's a very simple algorithm, actually (at least for reasonable numbers of users and groups).

Consider each user to be a set whose elements are the groups of which they are a member. To find the groups two users have in common, simply take the intersection of those two users' membership sets.

So, if Person A is in Group K, M, and N, and Person B is in K, N, and P, you would have the following sets:

A := {K, M, N}
B := {K, N, P}
intersect(A, B) = {K, N}

In Ruby, you can use the standard library class Set to perform these calculations:

require 'set'
memberships_a = Set[:K, :M, :N]
memberships_b = Set[:K, :N, :P]
shared = memberships_a.intersection(memberships_b)
# you can also use the '&' operator as shorthand for 'intersection'
shared_2 = memberships_a & memberships_b