



Is there a way to add a comment/uncomment css line/s button to the menu in the VS2008 css editor? Other than adding a macro. Thanks.

+2  A: 

There is not a way, quite a few people have wondered why they'd leave this out. Here's the most detailed way I've seen to add a macro by Brian Schmitt. I know it's not what you want, but he also outlines how to add it as a keybind, meaning you could make the Ctrl+K,Ctrl+C work for commenting lines in CSS files just like it does in code files now. It's a little work to setup, but if you're used to the Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C it's really nice to have it work everywhere.

I believe it's the closest you can come to what you're after until they add it as a built in keybind.

Nick Craver
I pretty much knew if I got an answer, it would have macros in it, but I put the condition in anyway. Anyhoo, it works good so far, so I can't complain. Thanks.