
You can attach the mouseover event to the table but every time you mouseover any child element of the table that fuction will fire.

$('#myTable').mouseover(function(e) {

That will get you the tr of element that was hovered.

+4  A: 

It's called event delegation.

You're using jQuery which makes it trivial to find the triggering <tr> element of the event, via closest:

$('#myTable').mouseover(function(event) {
    var tr = $(event.target).closest('tr');
    // do something with the <tr> element...

closest was in fact written to support event delegation like this. It's what live() uses internally.

Crescent Fresh
@Alex: the `e` parameter is the `event` object generated by the `mouseover`. Every user action generates one of these events. See http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html
Crescent Fresh
@Alex: ps I've edited the answer to use a better var name than `"e"` ;)
Crescent Fresh

Colin, that has the possibility of getting more then 1 parent.
If you have two tables nested you would get back 2 tr objects.

The name already suggests that as it is .parents

.closest('tr') is the best and correct way.
