
Access DropDownList.SelectedIndex in DataList.ItemCreatedCommand (EventBubbling or other solutions)

How am I to bubble the event caused when itemIndex is changed in a dropdownlist - so that I can use the itemindex-value in my ItemCreatedCommand-function? A solution is found at:

AS3 Event Bubbling outside of the Scenegraph/DisplayList

Hi just wondering if it is possible to take advantage of event bubbling in non display list classes in AS3. For example in the model of an application where there is a City class that contains many Cars. What methods are there to attach an event listener to a City object and receive events that bubble up from the child Cars. To clarify ...

jQuery hide element when clicked anywhere on the page

I would like to know if this is the correct way of hiding visible elements when clicked anywhere on the page. $(document).click(function (event) { $('#myDIV:visible').hide(); }); The element (div, span etc) cannot disappear when click event occurs withing the boundaries of the element. ...

Tunneling events stopping bubbling events

Hi all, I am looking at the new types events of WPF and I have come up against an issue. From the book I am reading tunneling events (all events that start with the word Preview) execute in the highest container and work their way down through the controls contained within... Ok. They also fire before their equivalent bubbling events.....

Span inside Anchor with event bubbling

Hi, I have such a piece of html: <li class="addToFriends"><a href="....">Something something<span>INSIDE SPAN</span>something</a></li> To handle AJAX request when clicking on anchor I have registered handler on click event: $('.addToFriends a').click(function(event){ var target = $(event.target); if (target.is('a')) { ...

How to expose and raise custom events for a vb.net winforms user control

Hello, Please read THIS post. I have the same problem as described in this post but I am trying to do in in VB.net rather than c#. I am pretty sure to do this I have to use a custom event. (I used a code conversion site to get to learn about custom events.) So in the IDE when I type the following: Public Custom Event AddRemoveAtt...

Preventing WPF TreeView's SelectedItemChanged event from bubbling

I have a WPF TreeView which triggers a SelectedItemChanged event. Whenever I select an item in the TreeView, the SelectedItemChanged event is triggered for the selected item and all of the selected node's ancestors in the tree. How do I prevent the SelectedItemChanged event from firing more than once? ...

jquery accordion prevent bubbling / allow default link action

I have an accordion setup as so: $('.shortheadline').accordion({ active: false, header: '.headline', autoHeight: false, animated: 'slowslide', changestart: function(event, ui) { $('.brief').css('min-height','0') }, change: function(event, ui) { $('.brief:visible').css('min-height','80px'); $('.headline').blur(); } }); I want the cl...

Firefox DOM2 mouse down event selects elements when using stopPropagation

I have a link element where I capture the mousedown event and stop the event from bubbling so that other elements in the page don't get selected. However in firefox (3 & 3.5) when i use the DOM 2 event model It still selects other elements in the page. I have tested it in opera and it works fine without selecting other elements. Also a...

Where can I catch up on event bubbling in web programming(Esp. RE: the YUI)?

Dear Stackoverflow; Can you provide some good reading material on event-bubbling, especially in regards to the Yahoo User-Interface libraries (YUI) ? ...

Is event bubbling supported by all browsers?

jQuery uses event bubbling strategy to handle events. And it claims to be cross browser, but is "event bubbling" supported by all browsers? There is another strategy: event capturing, which is reverse to event bubbling,is it extinct? Or my question could be re-stated as: Can Javascript decides on whether choosing "event capturing" s...

Where can I find a good tutorial on bubbling?

I'm new to C# and would like to allow to Windows forms to comminicate with each other. I googled bubbling in C# but it wasn't much help. What are some good ways I can learn bubbling? EDIT: I want to have an options form that is shown/created when my user clicks on Edit->Preferances. I then want the settings the user changed in the optio...

ASP.NET How can 2 dynamically loaded user controls respond to each others events?

Greetings All, I have two ascx's loaded in the page-init event of an aspx page. Control 1 has a radio button list that I want a dropdown list on control 2 to respond to it's selectedIndex change. So far I call RaiseBubbleEvent on the SelectedIndexChange handler and I pass on a control reference and commandArgs. Then in the aspx I overrid...

What is the bubbling concept?

I've heard of events and SO answers "bubbling up", but what has all that got to do with bubbles? ...

jQuery event bubbling: Get original element mouseover (for table row highlighting)

Hello, I'm trying to reduce my 'onmouseover' event listeners in my table (in which I highlight rows on hover). I want to do this by attaching an event listener to the entire table instead of each <tr> (that's how I have it now). The reason is that IE is reacting very slow and the only answer I found to this was to reduce the number of ev...

find out instantiating object in the constructor of a class

How can i get hold of the instantiating object from a constructor in java? I want to store reference to the parent object for some GUI classes to simulate event bubbling - calling parents handlers - but i dont wanna change all the existing code. ...

Event bubbling and the onblur event

I'm writing a form validation script and would like to validate a given field when its onblur event fires. I would also like to use event bubbling so i don't have to attach an onblur event to each individual form field. Unfortunately, the onblur event doesn't bubble. Just wondering if anyone knows of an elegant solution that can produce ...

jQuery hover over child elements makes quirky effects

Hi I've got this markup (simplified): <div class='item'> <a> one link </a> <a class='trash'><img src='trash.png'/></a> </div> I'm highlighting the div when the mouse enters, and showing the (otherwise hidden) 'trash' link (it's like a tiny trash bin) so the user can delete the link. I can't use 'hover' effect, because I need the...

Bubbling scroll events from a ListView to its parent

In my WPF application I have a ListView whose ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility is set to Disabled. It is contained within a ScrollViewer. When I attempt to use the mouse wheel over the ListView, the outer ScrollViewer does not scroll because the ListView is capturing the scroll events. How can I force the ListView to allow the s...

AS3 dispatch events to objects not related on the display list

So, events bubble up the display list. That's great if that's what you want. But what if you have objects on the stage that are not related that need to listen for events from each other? A simplified example: var objA = new ObjA; addChild(objA); var objB = new ObjB; addChild(objB); var objC = new ObjC; objB.addChild(objC); Object B...