



Here's my situation. I have two tables: pledges and pledge_transactions. When a user makes a pledge, he has only a row in the pledges table.

Later when it comes time to fulfill the pledge, each payment is logged in my pledge_transactions table.

I need to be able to query all open pledges which means that the sum of the amounts in the transactions table is less than the pledged amount.

Here's what I have so far:

named_scope :open,
   :group => '', 
   :include => :transactions, 
   :select => 'pledge_transactions.*', 
   :conditions => ' is not null or is null',
   :having => 'sum(pledge_transactions.amount) < pledges.amount or sum(pledge_transactions.amount) is null'

You might be asking yourself why I have that superfluous and ridiculous conditions option specified. The answer is that when I don't force ActiveRecord to acknowledge the pledge_transactions table in the conditions, it omits it completely, which means my having clause becomes meaningless.

My belief is that I have run into a shortcoming of ActiveRecord.

Ultimately I need to be able to do the following:

  •, ...)
  • etc.

Anybody have a more elegant answer to this problem? Please no suggestions of incrementing a pledges amount_given field each time a transaction occurs. That feels like a band-aid approach and I'm much more of a fan of keeping the pledge static after it is created and computing the difference.

If I weren't using Rails here, I'd just create a view and be done with it.


+1  A: 

How is the :transactions association defined? Does it stipulate :class_name = 'PledgeTransaction' (or whatever the class is, if it uses set_table_name)?

Have you looked at the :joins parameter? I think it might be what you were looking for. Certainly that :conditions thing doesn't look right.

If I weren't using Rails here, I'd just create a view and be done with it

Just because it's Rails doesn't mean you can't use a view. OK, depending on the way it's constructed you may not be able to update it, but otherwise go for it. You can create and drop views in migrations, too:

class CreateReallyUsefulView < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
    # this is Oracle, I don't know if CREATE OR REPLACE is widely-supported
    sql = %{
      CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW really_usefuls AS
      ... blah blah SQL blah
    execute sql

  def self.down
    execute 'drop view really_usefuls'

class ReallyUseful < ActiveRecord::Base
    # all the usual stuff here, considering overriding the C, U and D parts 
    # of CRUD if it's supposed to be read-only and you're paranoid

I think the books/docs don't go into this much because implementation of, and support for views varies significantly across platforms.

Mike Woodhouse
+1  A: 


I think using NOT EXISTS in your conditions will get you what you want. I'm assuming the association is on the pledge_transaction as pledge_id. Here's how I would implement #open

named_scope :open,
      :conditions =>
          NOT EXISTS (
            select 1
            from pledge_transactions
     = pledge_transactions.pledge_id AND
              pledge_transactions.amount < pledge.amount

This will allow you to do, and{what ever}.

Hope that helps


James,Very interesting idea. However, one thing to consider is that a person in this system can make a partial payment toward their pledge and their pledge is still considered open. This is why I have been approaching the problem with a sum(). If the sum of the pledges is not equal or greater than the pledge, the pledge is still considered open (unfulfilled).
Hey rwl4,You can still use the NOT EXISTS clause, I've added in amount < pledge.amountWhat do you think?