



I have a GridView that is using a LinqDataSource which is tied to a table in my database. This table of mine has a int foreign key. In my presentation layer, using TemplateField in Gridview, i hide the foreign key value and make another call to the database to show the name of it's associated name so it's more readable for the user.

However, when i click on the header of the foreign key to sort its column, it sorts by the id value, rather than the string value of it's associated name. How can i make this Gridview sort by it's name and not by it's foreign key value?


Set the SortExpression of the key column to the name of the Name column in the data source.

Matthew Jones

Just to add to what Matthew Jones said you have to specify how that field can be accessed. e.g.

class Parent { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } }

class Child { public int Id { get; set; } public Parent Mom { get; set; } public Parent Dad { get; set; } }

If you were binding a table of 'Child' and you wanted to sort on the Mom property the SortExpression would be "Mom.Name"
