



Ok so there are lots of nifty little technologies included in Java EE. When one learns SE, where should they go from there? I think what I'm looking for is more abstract/high level technologies that pertain to EE. I want to learn more and it seems to be difficult to find a book to transition into EE from SE. Where should I go from here?

+2  A: 

Java EE tutorial is good readin'.

Good things to begin with are:

  1. Persistence (JPA). JDBC is part of Java SE rather than EE, but if you haven't learned it yet definitely take a look.
  2. Web Tier (servlets / JSP)

After that I'd suggest you take a look at Spring. While not technically part of Java EE, it's a de facto standard in enterprise java applications.

+2  A: 

The Java EE 5 Tutorial from Sun should give you a good overview of everything Java EE entails.

Of course, you don't have to learn all of this stuff at once... or even use all of this stuff to make an application.

I'd suggest learning a little HTML/HTTP and then learning servlets/JSPs first - that's the most commonly used piece of Java EE.

+1  A: 


J2EE is very vast. It actually is more dependant on your area of interest.

I guess the links below should guide you.

Categorization of technologies in j2ee.

Step by step j2ee understanding with examples.

But in anycase, for all this I assume that you are aware of server side technologies and their way of working. J2EE is nothing but a framework and it also gives you tools to work in line with the framework principles.

If you are inclined towards creating Enterprise application, you need to learn EJB, JCA, JPA, Java Messaging service, JTA etc.

If you are more inclined towards SOA then I guess you should learn Webservices, SOAP, JAX-WS, JAXB etc.

If you are more inclined towards working with other frameworks like springs, Struts 2 etc, I would suggest you learn JavaServer Faces 1.2, JavaServer Pages 2.1, Java Servlet 2.5, taglib etc.

Hope this helps.

Kalpak L
