



The MultiScaleImage control (DeepZoom) is not available in WPF, only in Silverlight. How would you suggest getting similar functionality in WPF? I know it would be possible to host Silverlight in a browser control in WPF but this is my last resort. I don’t need all functionality of MultiScaleImage. In my application I’d like to have one big picture in which the user can pan and zoom. Some parts of the picture will need to have much higher resolution than other parts. I would need an image format that allows different parts of the picture to have different resolution. The big picture would be built up from many smaller pictures in a raster graphic format (bitmap). When zooming in on an area that doesn’t have a big resolution I don’t want the pixels to show, instead the picture should be blurry (like in MultiScaleImage).


Answered in this other thread.

CraigD's post has two workarounds.

Edit: Then there's this blog.with source code.