How should I modify the bundled properties of a vertex from inside a visitor?
I would like to use the simple method of sub-scripting the graph, but the graph parameter passed into the visitor is const, so compiler disallows changes.
I can store a reference to the graph in the visitor, but this seems weird.
A visitor which identifies vertices as leafs or trees
class bfs_vis_leaf_finder:public default_bfs_visitor {
@param[in] total reference to int variable to store total number of leaves
@param[in] g reference to graph ( used to modify bundled properties )
bfs_vis_leaf_finder( int& total, graph_t& g ) :
myTotal( total ), myGraph( g )
myTotal = 0;
Called when the search finds a new vertex
If the vertex has no children, it is a leaf and the total leaf count is incremented
template <typename Vertex, typename Graph>
void discover_vertex( Vertex u, Graph& g)
if( out_edges( u, g ).first == out_edges( u, g ).second ) {
//g[u].myLevel = s3d::cV::leaf;
myGraph[u].myLevel = s3d::cV::leaf;
} else {
//g[u].myLevel = s3d::cV::tree;
myGraph[u].myLevel = s3d::cV::tree;
int& myTotal;
graph_t& myGraph;