I'm curious if n log n is the best a linked list can do.
I'm curious if n log n is the best a linked list can do.
Not a direct answer to your question, but if you use a Skip List, it is already sorted and has O(log N) search time.
As I know, the best sorting algorithm is O(n*log n), whatever the container - it's been proved that sorting in the broad sense of the word (mergesort/quicksort etc style) can't go lower. Using a linked list will not give you a better run time.
The only one algorithm which runs in O(n) is a "hack" algorithm which relies on counting values rather than actually sorting.
Merge sort doesn't require O(1) access and is O ( n ln n ). No known algorithms for sorting general data are better than O ( n ln n ).
The special data algorithms such as radix sort ( limits size of data ) or histogram sort ( counts discrete data ) could sort a linked list with a lower growth function, as long as you use a different structure with O(1) access as temporary storage.
Another class of special data is a comparison sort of an almost sorted list with k elements out of order. This can be sorted in O ( kn ) operations.
Copying the list to an array and back would be O(N), so any sorting algorithm can be used if space is not an issue.
For example, given a linked list containing uint_8
, this code will sort it in O(N) time using a histogram sort:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <malloc.h>
typedef struct _list list_t;
struct _list {
uint8_t value;
list_t *next;
list_t* sort_list ( list_t* list )
list_t* heads[257] = {0};
list_t* tails[257] = {0};
// O(N) loop
for ( list_t* it = list; it != 0; it = it -> next ) {
list_t* next = it -> next;
if ( heads[ it -> value ] == 0 ) {
heads[ it -> value ] = it;
} else {
tails[ it -> value ] -> next = it;
tails[ it -> value ] = it;
list_t* result = 0;
// constant time loop
for ( size_t i = 255; i-- > 0; ) {
if ( tails[i] ) {
tails[i] -> next = result;
result = heads[i];
return result;
list_t* make_list ( char* string )
list_t head;
for ( list_t* it = &head; *string; it = it -> next, ++string ) {
it -> next = malloc ( sizeof ( list_t ) );
it -> next -> value = ( uint8_t ) * string;
it -> next -> next = 0;
return head.next;
void free_list ( list_t* list )
for ( list_t* it = list; it != 0; ) {
list_t* next = it -> next;
free ( it );
it = next;
void print_list ( list_t* list )
printf ( "[ " );
if ( list ) {
printf ( "%c", list -> value );
for ( list_t* it = list -> next; it != 0; it = it -> next )
printf ( ", %c", it -> value );
printf ( " ]\n" );
int main ( int nargs, char** args )
list_t* list = make_list ( nargs > 1 ? args[1] : "wibble" );
print_list ( list );
list_t* sorted = sort_list ( list );
print_list ( sorted );
free_list ( list );
Comparison sorts (i.e. ones based on comparing elements) cannot possibly be faster than n log n
. It doesn't matter what the underlying data structure is. See Wikipedia.
Other kinds of sort that take advantage of there being lots of identical elements in the list (such as the counting sort), or some expected distribution of elements in the list, are faster, though I can't think of any that work particularly well on a linked list.
It is reasonable to expect that you cannot do any better than O(N log N) in running time.
However, the interesting part is to investigate if you can sort it in-place, stably, and so on.
Simon Tatham, of Putty fame, explains how to sort a linked list with merge sort. He concludes with the following comments:
Like any self-respecting sort algorithm, this has running time O(N log N). Because this is Mergesort, the worst-case running time is still O(N log N); there are no pathological cases.
Auxiliary storage requirement is small and constant (i.e. a few variables within the sorting routine). Thanks to the inherently different behaviour of linked lists from arrays, this Mergesort implementation avoids the O(N) auxiliary storage cost normally associated with the algorithm.
There is also an example implementation in C.
Depending on a number of factors, it may actually be faster to copy the list to an array and then use a Quicksort.
The reason this might be faster is that an array has much better cache performance than a linked list. If the nodes in the list are dispersed in memory, you may be generating cache misses all over the place. Then again, if the array is large you will get cache misses anyway.
Mergesort parallelises better, so it may be a better choice if that is what you want. It is also much faster if you perform it directly on the linked list.
Since both algorithms run in O(n * log n), making an informed decision would involve profiling them both on the machine you would like to run them on.
--- EDIT
I decided to test my hypothesis and wrote a C-program which measured the time (using clock()
) taken to sort a linked list of ints. I tried with a linked list where each node was allocated with malloc()
and a linked list where the nodes were laid out linearly in an array, so the cache performance would be better. I compared these with the built-in qsort, which included copying everything from a fragmented list to an array and copying the result back again. Each algorithm was run on the same 10 data sets and the results were averaged.
These are the results:
N = 1000:
Fragmented list with merge sort: 0.000000 seconds
Array with qsort: 0.000000 seconds
Packed list with merge sort: 0.000000 seconds
N = 100000:
Fragmented list with merge sort: 0.039000 seconds
Array with qsort: 0.025000 seconds
Packed list with merge sort: 0.009000 seconds
N = 1000000:
Fragmented list with merge sort: 1.162000 seconds
Array with qsort: 0.420000 seconds
Packed list with merge sort: 0.112000 seconds
N = 100000000:
Fragmented list with merge sort: 364.797000 seconds
Array with qsort: 61.166000 seconds
Packed list with merge sort: 16.525000 seconds
At least on my machine, copying into an array is well worth it to improve the cache performance, since you rarely have a completely packed linked list in real life. It should be noted that my machine has a 2.8GHz Phenom II, but only 0.6GHz RAM, so the cache is very important.
As stated many times, the lower bound on comparison based sorting for general data is going to be O(n log n). To briefly resummarize these arguments, there are n! different ways a list can be sorted. Any sort of comparison tree that has n! (which is in O(n^n)) possible final sorts is going to need at least log(n!) as its height: this gives you a O(log(n^n)) lower bound, which is O(n log n).
So, for general data on a linked list, the best possible sort that will work on any data that can compare two objects is going to be O(n log n). However, if you have a more limited domain of things to work in, you can improve the time it takes (at least proportional to n). For instance, if you are working with integers no larger than some value, you could use Counting Sort or Radix Sort, as these use the specific objects you're sorting to reduce the complexity with proportion to n. Be careful, though, these add some other things to the complexity that you may not consider (for instance, Counting Sort and Radix sort both add in factors that are based on the size of the numbers you're sorting, O(n+k) where k is the size of largest number for Counting Sort, for instance).
Also, if you happen to have objects that have a perfect hash (or at least a hash that maps all values differently), you could try using a counting or radix sort on their hash functions.
A Radix sort is particularly suited to a linked list, since it's easy to make a table of head pointers corresponding to each possible value of a digit.