Suppose there are two colors defined in CMYK:
color1 = 30, 40, 50, 60
color2 = 50, 60, 70, 80
If they were to be printed what values would the resulting color have?
color_new = min(cyan1 + cyan2, 100), min(magenta1 + magenta2, 100), min(yellow1 + yellow2, 100), min(black1 + black2, 100)?
Suppose there is a color defined in CMYK: color = 40, 30, 30, 100 It is possible to print a color at partial intensity, i.e. as a tint. What values would have a 50% tint of that color?
color_new = cyan / 2, magenta / 2, yellow / 2, black / 2?
I'm asking this to better understand the "tintTransform" function in PDF Reference 1.7, 4.5.5 Special Color Spaces, DeviceN Color Spaces
To better clarify: I'm not entirely concerned with human perception or how the CMYK dyies react to the paper. If someone specifies 90% tint which, when printed, looks like full intensity colorant, that's ok.
In other words, if I asking how to compute 50% of cmyk(40, 30, 30, 100) I'm asking how to compute the new values, regardless of whether the result looks half-dark or not.
Update 2:
I'm confused now. I checked this in InDesign and Acrobat. For example Pantone 3005 has CMYK 100, 34, 0, 2, and its 25% tint has CMYK 25, 8.5, 0, 0.5.
Does it mean I can "monkey around in a linear way"?